19 June 2015

Adoption at the stage of several dozen cells

The practice of "adoption" and "adoption" of embryos is gaining momentum

Sergey Vasiliev, "Naked Science" 

Unused, "extra" embryos are a common "by–product" of in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. Only in the USA, more than 500 thousand successfully fertilized embryos at the stage of several dozen cells are now preserved in frozen form – and all of them can become valuable capital for businessmen and a new hope for parents who remain childless.

According to Fusion reporter Daniela Hernandez, several organizations in North America are currently trying to introduce the practice of "adopting" such embryos into the family.

This firm has been working as a "matchmaker" of embryos since 2001 – VM.

"Embryo adoption leads to the emergence of "extended" families of a new type," she writes, "in which children who grew up from the same "test tube" are genetically related, but because of the difference in cryopreservation periods – at different times, often with a difference of a couple of decades."

Of course, sperm or egg donation remains much more familiar and popular among childless couples. However, in some cases, when medical problems concern both partners, adoption may be the only way out for them, including "adoption at the embryo stage". And this process is gaining momentum: according to Daniela Hernandez, only two of the largest companies engaged in such procedures have achieved "adoption into the family" of almost a thousand embryos.

Oddly enough, Christian-oriented organizations are especially active here. In this case, donors can fully control the process by choosing a foster family for their embryo, which allows them to refuse adoption to same-sex couples or just atheists.

Despite the dubiousness of such a procedure, Hernandez notes a number of obvious advantages that it gives to people. She writes: "Both families and representatives of agencies with whom I had a chance to talk believe that the "adoption" of fetuses is a "great equalizer" that gives childless couples a chance to become a full–fledged family and experience the parental experience from the very beginning, in its entirety, including the pregnancy period." It should also be noted the comparative cheapness: the adoption of a ready-made healthy embryo is much cheaper than IVF and can cost several thousand dollars, while the price of IVF starts from 20 thousand.

At the same time, doubts about the legitimacy of such a practice remain – legal and, of course, ethical doubts. After all, if we can "adopt" fertilized eggs, does this not mean that we can call them full–fledged people, with all the ensuing consequences - until we come to the traditional idea of abortion as murder?.. A view that modern medicine is actively fighting, trying to ensure the freedom of women, the safety of expectant mothers and the desirability of every unborn child.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru19.06.2015

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