28 October 2019

Biomolecules Calendar – 2020

This year, the team of the Biomolecule website has created a new calendar – it is dedicated to model organisms. The authors wanted to show the history of science through great experiments on great models and tell about the discoveries that were made thanks to model creatures. It turned out charming, informative and just beautiful, here's a look: 


The calendar is sold through crowdfunding on Planeta.ru . Now you can read there that the team has already collected all the necessary amount. Despite this, the organizers continue the campaign. There are still a lot of calendars left, and the authors would like to distribute them as widely as possible so that they reach everyone who is only interested in biology, from schoolchildren to academics. This is a beautiful, interesting and non-banal way to "enter the context" of modern science.

This is the only crowdfunding of Biomolecules this year, and the Model Organisms project is the main creative project of this year. All funds raised through the sale of calendars will go to the development of "Biomolecule". Therefore, the more comrades gather, the better.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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