05 June 2015

Let me kill my children

A resident of India asks for permission to euthanize 6 of his children

(health-ua did not specify the source of this heartbreaking news, but it seems to have been published first by The Times of India in the article Agra dad wants euthanasia for 6 kids suffering from rare neuro disorder – VM.)

The monstrous request of a resident of the Indian city of Agra, set out in a letter addressed to the president of the country, is due not to the author's mental illness, but to a severe hereditary disease of his children. All of them will eventually face complete paralysis, torment and death…

A drama is slowly developing in the family of a resident of Agra, the tragic outcome of which is predetermined in advance.

6 out of 8 Indian children aged 8 to 18 years suffer from a rare hereditary disease called Canavan's disease or spongiose degeneration of the white matter of the brain.

This is a rare neurodegenerative disease in which the destruction of the myelin sheath of brain neurons occurs. The cause of the disease is a mutation of the ASPA gene.

Doctors explained to Mohd Nazir how this disease ends, even when its symptoms appeared in his first child in infancy.

Knowing that their firstborn was doomed, he and his wife decided to give birth to a healthy child – but the disease struck 5 of the next 7 children in the womb.

Recently, a desperate Mohd wrote a letter to the President of India, Pranab Kumar Mukherjee, in which he outlined his terrible decision – the unfortunate father wants to personally kill his sick children so that they do not suffer.

There are two more children growing up in the Nazirov family, a boy and a girl, who were born healthy – of course, the man plans to keep them alive.

The country's leadership immediately responded to the wild request of a resident of Agra: it was decided that the state authorities would supply this family with food and other necessities, and several experienced doctors were sent to the sick children to examine them and provide relief from their suffering.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru05.06.2015

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