07 April 2016

Molecular Biology for crazy pens

How to isolate DNA at home

Copper news

The Popular Science Internet resource presented to its users a video instruction on DNA extraction at home (How to extract your own DNA). To do this, you will need a glass stack, dishwashing detergent, pineapple juice, table salt, strong alcohol, a drink tube and a toothpick.

First, the stack must be filled with saliva for a quarter – it is from saliva containing a lot of cells from the inside of the cheeks that DNA is supposed to be extracted. After that, you need to add a few drops of detergent. The surfactants included in its composition cause cell lysis - their membranes are destroyed, and the contents enter the solution.

The next steps are adding a small amount of pineapple juice and a few grains of salt. This will help to remove proteins from the solution and destroy the cell nuclei, which contain the main amount of DNA.

The contents of the stack must be mixed, after which a few drops of alcohol should be added using a beverage tube – "kitchen biologists" from PopularScience use rum for this purpose. The "threads" formed in the liquid are DNA, they can be extracted from the solution with a toothpick.

gene_machine1.jpgThe authors suggest trying to analyze the isolated DNA. 

To do this, from a LEGO constructor and food storage containers, you can design a prototype of laboratory equipment for separating DNA fragments (gel electrophoresis - VM) or try to carry out a polymerase chain reaction – the technique of PCR at home is also attached.


Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  07.04.2016

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