17 October 2012

The Nobel Prize in Economics is also for biomedicine!

Nobel laureate Alvin Roth saved the lives of 2 thousand people

<url>The winner of the newly received Nobel Prize in Economics, Alvin Roth, has already benefited hundreds of people with his work.

According to American doctors, not being a doctor, he revolutionized organ transplantation.

Alvin Roth from Harvard and Lloyd Shapley from the University of California in their works tried to answer one of the main questions of economics – how best to distribute limited resources among consumers.

As part of this work, scientist Alvin Roth developed an algorithm for selecting donors for kidney transplantation. Thanks to this study, doctors have been able to help two thousand patients in recent years. In order for the donor organ to take root in the patient, compatibility by blood type and some other indicators is necessary. Using the Rota computer program, the doctors were able to quickly select suitable people for each other and perform operations.

"His algorithm allows us to see those combinations that would have gone unnoticed. He revolutionized our business," says Richard Formica, director of the kidney transplant program at Yale University. When Roth introduced his system in 2003, only 19 donor kidneys were transplanted in the United States per year. Already in 2004, the figure almost doubled, and by 2011 it had grown to 443 transplants.

He also came up with a method that allows high school students to choose the most suitable school for him, and the school to get the most suitable student.

The second winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Lloyd Shapley, is also fighting for human happiness: based on the developed theory, he created an algorithm that allows you to introduce the maximum number of single men and women who dream of marriage.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in a statement that despite the fact that the two scientists worked independently of each other, the combination of Shepley's theoretical research with Roth's practical research has created a huge field for research and improved the performance of many markets.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru17.10.2012

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