05 September 2019

Thinking about Gene Editing

Media: The State Duma will study the technology of genome editing

Maria Azarova, Naked Science

The revolutionary ideas of genome editing, CRISPR technology, cell correction, in other words, genetic engineering, are taking over the world. China, Japan, the United States and other countries have recently announced breakthroughs in this area.

Of course, Russia does not want to lag behind its foreign colleagues. And it cannot be said that domestic scientists ignore this area: for example, in October last year, biologists from Moscow State University, Pirogov State Medical University and Kulakov Obstetrics Center changed the DNA structure of defective embryos, making them immune to HIV.

Now people are interested in genetic engineering at the highest level. According to Russian media with reference to the public procurement website, the State Duma has published a tender for a study on the topic "Regulatory legal regulation of the use of assisted reproductive technologies".

The terms of reference specify that the contractor will have to analyze, among other things, the possibilities of introducing "assisted reproductive technologies (genome editing, metabolism management during pregnancy, and so on) to create a new (contractual) type of society" and propose a conceptual program.

The deadline for the execution of the TOR is until November 30, the contract amount is 8.97 million rubles.

The authors of the document do not forget that in many countries gene editing and related concepts face problems in the "social, legal, ethical and religious spheres", and the legislation of most foreign countries severely restricts or even prohibits the use of additional reproduction technologies.

Taking this into account, the Russian legislative authority even proposes to correct – "improve" – the regulations governing the sphere of reproductive methods.

Among other things, officials plan to study the views of the Institute of the Church on new technologies. It is worth remembering that two months ago the ROC developed a draft document "On the inviolability of human life from the moment of conception", according to one of the provisions of which it is recommended to prohibit "scientific experiments with embryos and their freezing". We will see how this point of view will coexist with the desire of the authorities to introduce new technologies into our lives.

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