23 June 2014

White walking stick with sonar

A vibrating smart cane for the blind has been invented in India

Copper news based on SmartCane materialsIndian scientists have invented an inexpensive (30-50 dollars) smart cane designed for visually impaired and blind people.

The device, called SmartCane by the creators, is a traditional white cane equipped with an ultrasonic locator at the top, which detects the presence of obstacles and a possible way to overcome them, and then informs the user about it through vibrations.

Ordinary white canes used by visually impaired people are convenient for overcoming obstacles below the knees, but they practically do not protect against those obstacles that arise above this level, for example, tree branches or building walls. Scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi have created an inexpensive device that can make life easier and more comfortable for people with vision problems.

Sensors located in the upper part of the cane send and receive signals of ultrasonic waves at a distance of up to three meters. When an obstacle blocks the path of these waves, they come back and are detected by the sensor. In response to this, the device creates vibrations to indicate to the user that there is an obstacle ahead.

The device is attached to an ordinary white cane and is powered by a rechargeable battery. Such a smart cane, weighing only 132 grams, can be used in various modes - indoors and outdoors, in addition, the upper part can be used separately (but in the latter case, obstacles below the knee will not be detected).

Research has shown that the device has helped users to reduce the time they usually spent on the road when using a conventional cane.

A fully charged battery can work continuously without charging for eight hours. SmartCane developers warn that the device is so sensitive that it can vibrate during heavy rain, but at the same time it cannot detect a change in the surface level, for example, on a staircase.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru23.06.2014

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