04 June 2019

Death from homeopathy

Homeopathic medicine caused alcoholic hepatitis and death

Nikita Shevtsov, Naked Science

A 38-year-old man with a chronic liver disease turned to doctors when he felt a sharp deterioration in his general condition. Doctors searched in vain for signs of infection, drug use and even pesticides, but they did not find anything like that. The symptoms of the disease turned out to be very similar to alcoholic hepatitis. However, the man did not drink alcoholic beverages at all, because he had a chronic liver disease.

It turned out that during the last month the man had been taking homeopathic remedies – allegedly in order to cope with high levels of bilirubin, a highly toxic substance for the body's cells, which is formed as a result of our vital activity. 18% alcohol was used as a solvent in this remedy, which caused alcoholic hepatitis.

Previously, the excess of bilirubin in the patient was associated by doctors with Gilbert's syndrome – a completely benign genetic disease that persists for life, but is not accompanied by an increase in mortality. The doctors to whom the patient turned when he felt worse did not understand why he was prescribed a homeopathic medicine with such a diagnosis.

Two weeks after the start of treatment, the patient stated that he felt drowsy and spoke inarticulately, as if he was intoxicated. The doctor prescribed him a slightly different form of taking the drug. Two more weeks passed, and everything became more serious: the eyes turned yellow, the urine turned dark, and the legs began to swell. Repeated blood tests showed a spike in the amount of bilirubin about ten times higher than normal, while other liver enzymes were also elevated. All signs indicated an acute form of hepatitis, usually associated with frequent alcohol consumption.

The cause of the disease was found out only when the patient told that he was taking a homeopathic medicine. Such products may not contain any medicinal compounds, but when the solvent is 18% alcohol, a patient with chronic liver disease can be seriously affected.

Despite the fact that doctors found out the cause of alcoholic hepatitis, the damage caused to the patient's liver turned out to be irreversible. Unfortunately, just a month and 12 days after the first appointment at the clinic, the man developed multiple organ failure and died.

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