15 June 2017

Deep-fried death

French fries were associated with an increased risk of death

Anna Stavina, XX2 century, based on materials news.com.au : Eight-year study finds heavy French fry eaters have ‘double’ the chance of death

Perhaps fans of fried potatoes should see these slices on the screen more often
 and less often – in his own plate.

Hot. Crispy and at the same time soft... French fries are a temptation that not everyone can resist. However, as a new study has shown, the love of fried potatoes can be fatal. Literally. Consumption of French fries was associated with an increased risk of premature death.

Yes, we are aware that potatoes fried in boiling oil are carbohydrates, fats and extra calories. It's harmful. But – how harmful is it? The researchers decided to find out what happens to fried potato lovers over an 8-year period of time. To do this, they selected the medical histories of 4440 people aged 45 to 79 years who took part in a cohort study on osteoarthritis. As part of the initial work, participants were asked, among other things, about their daily diet and the amount of potatoes regularly consumed, fried and cooked in other ways.

During the observation, 236 out of 4440 people died, and, as the calculation showed, the chances of dying for those who ate fried potatoes two or more times a week were twice as high as for those who avoided eating chips, French fries and similar products altogether. In short, any combination of potatoes with hot oil, no matter what it was called on the menu, was associated with an increased risk of death.

In fairness, it should be noted that the study was observational in nature. This means that scientists have established a correlation, a connection between two phenomena, but did not name one of them the cause of the other. You can't say that French fries are a killer dish. Theoretically, one can even assume that those who "don't have long left" according to their own feelings, start eating the most harmful (and most favorite) foods. But who knows how long these same people would have lived if they had found the strength to give up crispy slices of French fries in favor of, for example, the same crispy slices of green apples? To answer this question, additional research will be required.

The results of the work were published in the publication The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Veronese et al., Fried potato consumption is associated with elevated mortality: an 8-y longitudinal cohort study).

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  15.06.2017

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