09 November 2023

Top 5 tips to protect against heart attack and stroke

An increase in blood pressure is the first signal that our heart is working with an increased load. And although cardiology is rapidly developing and doctors have more and more means to help patients with heart and vascular diseases, it is in our power, simply through proper behavior, to make it so that we need such medical care less often and at a more advanced age.

What causes heart and vascular diseases
The main risk factors for cardiovascular disease are well known. These are:

metabolic disorders and obesity,
diabetes mellitus,
sedentary behavior,
Arterial hypertension accounts for almost half of the morbidity, and the other half, in almost equal shares, ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.

How care is provided to patients with heart attacks and strokes
A lot has been done in recent years to save patients with cardiovascular catastrophes.

"Regional routing schemes for patients with heart attack and stroke have been improved, the proportion of patients who are urgently hospitalized in specialized departments (primary vascular departments and regional vascular centers) has increased. New effective minimally invasive technologies have become available: percutaneous operations on heart vessels, catheter methods, prosthetics of heart valves, aorta", - said the chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Health.

He noted that more and more such operations are performed year after year, indications for their performance are expanding, and now modern methods of treatment have become much more accessible.

"Due to the development of infrastructure, changes in personnel policy in Russia, the number of medical centers to help patients with cardiovascular diseases has increased, the number of cardiology departments in federal and regional clinics has grown. Active digitalization of healthcare improves the quality of diagnostics and treatment. The availability of specialized care is also increasing for rural populations, where sanitary aviation is operating, ambulance services have been built up, and telemedicine technologies are being actively introduced. For example, in terms of minimally invasive surgery, in 2020, in 391 medical centers were conducted 688.5 thousand X-ray endovascular studies and interventions, in 2022 - such care was available in 410 centers, and conducted 940 thousand operations, "- listed Boytsov.

Why smoking is bad for blood vessels and the heart
The most destructive agent of blood vessels is tobacco smoke, so the key step in improving vascular and heart health is quitting smoking.

"Smoking increases blood viscosity, increases its clotting, which creates favorable conditions for thrombosis. And as we know, blood clots can be carried by the blood current and clog vessels anywhere: in the heart (heart attack), in the brain (brain stroke), the same can happen in the kidneys and liver," Boytsov reminded.

Prevention of heart and vascular diseases
But, of course, the most correct way - not to bring your body to such a state, when it is necessary to save it. "It is worth remembering: the health of the heart and blood vessels largely depends on behavioral factors. Take care of yourself today!" - urges Sergei Boytsov.
Academician reminded about the simplest and most basic rules, adhering to which, you can push back the onset of cardiovascular problems for many years.

Here are some tips from the chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Health:

- Refuse smoking and alcohol;
- Don't salt your food;
- Eat 400-500 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables every day;
- Physical activity - at least 30 minutes a day;

 Periodically measure your blood pressure. High blood pressure shows that the heart is working with a heavy load, and it's time to seek medical help.
What to do if heart disease is already present.
If there are already problems with the heart and blood vessels, it is important, with the help of a cardiologist, to take control of the manifestations of arterial hypertension and other ailments - a large arsenal of drugs allows you to choose an effective treatment scheme.

"As for the therapy of cardiovascular diseases, it is very important to follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician," emphasizes Dr. Boytsov. - Do not skip taking medications, do not cancel them yourself, even if you feel better".
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