19 February 2013

If you have varicose veins

Varicose veins

ABC MagazineInsufficiency of the valves of the superficial veins leads to their expansion, at the same time the veins become convoluted.

The systems of large and small subcutaneous veins are most often affected. However, the expansion of secondary branches of the surface system is also not uncommon. As a rule, they appear in people over the age of 20. In women, their development is often associated with puberty, pregnancy and the onset of menopause. In men, the incidence of this disease is relatively the same throughout life up to 70 years.

EtiologyInsufficiently studied.

Nevertheless, it is known that in women hormonal factors aggravate the existing varicose veins, the process becomes more pronounced under the influence of increased intra-abdominal pressure, in the presence of arteriovenous fistulas. The role of hereditary factors has been poorly studied.


Varicose veins can be primary or secondary. It is extremely important to divide diseases on this basis. Primary varicose veins develop in the absence of deep vein lesions and are generally benign. Varicose veins due to obstruction or insufficiency of the valves of the deep venous system is a much more serious disease.

Clinical signs With primary varicose veins, the patient's attention is attracted primarily by cosmetic defects, and then by symptoms that occur during prolonged standing.

Patients complain of a feeling of heaviness in their legs and their fatigue, which progressively increase by the end of the day. Placing the legs in an elevated position leads to a rapid and noticeable relief of the patient's condition. If varicose veins develop secondary to venous obstruction, loss of valves and insufficiency of perforating veins, the symptoms are much more pronounced. In addition, there is swelling of the limbs.


Diagnosis of primary varicose veins is based on examination of the lower extremities of the patient in an upright position. With varicose veins, the diameter of the vessels increases, they become convoluted; the vessels of the large and small subcutaneous veins are most often involved in the pathological process. If the isolated tangle of veins is in an atypical place, then you can think about the existing insufficiency of perforating veins or arteriovenous fistulas. To confirm the diagnosis of insufficiency of the valves of deep and perforating veins, Doppler measurement of blood flow velocity can be used. Valvular insufficiency is manifested by the development of reflux (reverse blood flow) in the veins during the Valsalva test.


Most patients with symptoms of primary varicose veins should first of all be recommended to wear elastic stockings. Only in rare cases, with primary varicose veins due to stasis of blood circulation, pigmentation and ulceration of the skin develop. If the use of elastic stockings is ineffective, high ligation and removal of long and/or short large subcutaneous veins may be required surgically.

Unfortunately, varicose veins are not uncommon. Patients with lesions of the subcutaneous veins of the lower extremities need to remember the basic rules that will allow them to coexist relatively peacefully with the disease.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru19.02.2013

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