19 December 2019

Isn't it time for you to lose weight?

Oncologists have named a way to protect themselves from breast cancer

RIA News

Reducing body weight will help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. This conclusion was reached by specialists of the American Cancer Society, the ACS press service reports.

Previous studies have already talked about the link between cancer and overweight. However, the authors of this work decided to find out whether the increased risk of developing the disease is reversible and whether it can be reduced.

Scientists analyzed data on 180 thousand women aged 50 years and older. Over the course of ten years, their weight was recorded three times: at the beginning of the experiment, after five and after nine years. As the results of the study showed, the more kilograms the participants lost, the less likely they were to develop cancer pathology. If the patients were already at risk, their chances of getting cancer decreased with weight loss.

"Our results suggest that even moderate weight loss is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in women over the age of 50," said study lead author Lauren Teras.

The study participants who lost from two to four and a half kilograms had a 13 percent lower risk of cancer pathology, those who lost from four and a half to nine kilograms – by 16 percent, those who lost more than nine kilograms – by 26 percent. At the same time, those who first lost and then gained weight again still reduced the risk of cancer pathology compared to patients whose body weight remained stable.

Article by Teras et al. Sustained weight loss and risk of breast cancer in women ≥50 years: a pooled analysis of prospective data published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

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