09 November 2023

How to run without risking your health

Mass races are becoming increasingly popular. But this year only in Bashkiria two people died during large-scale races. Tragic cases have also been recorded in other regions. No one can say how many athletes needed medical assistance on the tracks.

Didn't make it to the finish line

One of the fatal accidents occurred in September at the Ufa International Marathon. A participant became ill on the course and doctors were unable to save him.

And in August, during the annual family mountain festival "Malidak" in the Beloretsky district, a 19-year-old local resident died. The athlete could not be resuscitated.

After this tragedy, the organizers of "Malidak" races decided to tighten the requirements for admission to participation in the competition. Before the race, athletes will have to undergo a more thorough medical examination, which, according to experts, can help save health and even save lives. The usual certificate from the polyclinic about the state of health is now not enough, it will be necessary to present a certificate of in-depth medical examination form 1144n or free form with the indication of health group. In addition, any doctor, judge or race organizer can now independently remove a participant from the race if they decide that it is necessary for his or her benefit.

- This year, for the first time in seven years, there was an accident at our festival, a girl died. This is a great tragedy. Everyone needs to realize that something like this can happen to any participant at any race. Whatever safety measures we take, a huge responsibility lies on the athletes themselves, - said the director of events "Malidak" Daria Strugovets, advising runners not to spare a few hours for a full medical examination, remembering that their life and health are at stake.

By the way, fatalities during mass races this year have been recorded in other regions of the country. For example, a 73-year-old athlete died after taking part in the White Nights marathon in St. Petersburg. He became ill at the finish line. He died in hospital from cardiac arrest. The city race "Night Kazan" ended tragically for its 37-year-old participant, who had to overcome a distance of 10 km. During the competition, the man, who had participated in the race for several years, fell unconscious. He could not be saved.

Unhealthy stubbornness

Thoracic surgeon and sports tourist Evgeny Ionis often works at various mountain marathons, providing first aid when necessary. He is convinced that one should prepare thoroughly for any competition, even for short distances, and monitor one's health.

- Many people think that if an athlete, clenching his teeth, ran to the finish line with his last strength and fell down, he is a hero. But such "heroes", as a rule, do not live long, - says Dr. Ionis. - From time to time, I have encountered that a runner at the distance became ill, vomited, shook, but he categorically refused to leave the track, assuring that he will cope, come to his senses and crawl to the finish line. In such cases of unhealthy stubbornness have to turn on the power of persuasion. Most often successfully. Then these people apologize and write thank you, having realized that the demonstration of strong-willed qualities is not in place when it comes to risking their lives. I advise everyone to listen to the doctor's recommendations.

According to Eugene Ionis, during summer races most often participants suffer from heat stroke and dehydration, which lead to poor coordination of movement, dizziness, vomiting, up to loss of consciousness. In addition, due to intense physical activity, electrolyte losses increase - sodium, potassium, magnesium, which need to be replenished, because they are necessary for the work of muscles and heart. Not to mention leg injuries. Most often, runners have problems with their health due to incorrectly selected "unbreathable" clothes, lack of headgear, irregular drinking and overestimation of their capabilities.

- It is one thing to cover five kilometers on a treadmill, and quite another to cover the same distance in a mountain marathon. You need to know the technique of running and consciously systematic training. An untrained person does not necessarily become ill during the competition, the return can be in a few years in the form of health problems and even a heart attack, - says the surgeon.

He emphasizes: it is better to regularly engage in running under the guidance of an experienced coach. Especially when you want not just to maintain good physical shape, but also to achieve results. After all, a competent coach will help to master the correct running technique to minimize the likelihood of injury, will make a training schedule with a gradual increase in loads.

Affairs of the heart

According to Dr. Ionis, running places a significant strain on the heart.

- Running, skyrunning, high-altitude mountaineering, mountaineering and hiking are cyclical sports that involve repeating the same movement many times. This means that small muscle groups work, but in addition to them you must have a prepared cardiovascular system. In order not to drive the body and determine the optimal mode of training, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination at least once a year, - said Eugene Ionis.

He emphasized that too intensive training can lead to overdevelopment of the heart muscle. After all, as statistics shows, the main cause of death of athletes under the age of 35 - undiagnosed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and over 35 - ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Eugene Ionis conducted a study among 52 athletes engaged in skyrunning, high-altitude mountaineering and mountain tourism, and found that almost half of them have bradycardia, that is, heart rate below 50 beats per minute. And in 12 - below 45 beats per minute - this is already critical bradycardia, when it is necessary to be especially carefully observed by a cardiologist and sports doctor, with mandatory ECG, echocardiography and stress tests with bicycle ergometry or treadmill.

- I have learned from experience how important it is to follow safety requirements and stick to common sense. I made a lot of mistakes when I was a sports hiker. As a result - broken knees, spinal injuries, although there is a lot to remember, - says Dr. Ionis. - But sport is a pleasure. You have to pay for pleasure, just as you have to pay for mistakes, and mistakes in sports are paid for twice as much.

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