30 August 2022

Lie down on your right side!

Incorrect body position slows down the rate of absorption of tablets by 10 times

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University has clearly demonstrated how the position of the body directly affects the duration of dissolution of drugs in the stomach. They identified the most and least effective poses that should be taken into account by all people who want to accelerate the action of, for example, painkillers. In one case, the effect is achieved in 10 minutes, and in the other it takes more than 100 minutes.

A person experiencing severe headache or toothache is unlikely to think of taking into account the position of the body when taking an anesthetic. Meanwhile, a new work by American scientists demonstrates that this factor is of critical importance for the rate of absorption of the drug, writes EurekAlert.

Article by Lee et al. Computational modeling of drug dissolution in the human stomach: Effects of posture and gastroparesis on drug bioavailability is published in the journal Physics of Fluids – VM.

"We were very surprised by the fact that the position of the body is of such great importance," commented the author of the work Rajat Mittal. "Personally, I will always remember this now when taking medications."

Most pills do not take effect until the stomach releases their contents into the intestines. That is, the faster the tablet gets to the antrum — the lowest segment of the stomach, the faster it begins to dissolve and withdraw its contents through the pylorus into the duodenum — the first part of the small intestine.

Experiments have shown that in the supine position on the right side, the highest rate of dissolution of the tablet is achieved — 2.3 times faster than even in the standing position.

So, in a lying position on the right side, the process takes about 10 minutes, in an upright position — 23 minutes, and lying on the left side — more than 100 minutes. The standing position was equivalent in effectiveness to the lying position with a straight back, the authors specify.

These results are of great importance for all people who regularly or occasionally take medications, and especially those who are bedridden due to illness.

For example, in the future it may help cancer patients. For them, scientists "packed" immunotherapy in tablets, so in the future they will be able to carry out treatment independently at home.

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