28 January 2014

Our service is both dangerous and difficult…

This is how it is, working in an office – harmful and dangerous!

Viktor Kondrashkin, " <url> News"Many people have heard that at first glance it is quite attractive, in comfortable conditions, working in an office is, to put it mildly, not very useful for health.

But few people imagine in all the details what dangers it holds. So scientists who have studied the effects of office work on health have some information to share with people.

Although a brick will not fall on an office worker from a height, as can happen on a construction site, it will not burn with splashes of molten metal, as in the metallurgical workshop of a factory, etc., office work also carries quite real health hazards.

There are quite a few aspects of such a danger. But they are so characteristic of the life of the average office worker that it is recommended to familiarize yourself with all of them.

1. Sitting for a long time seriously shortens life.Unfortunately, sitting for a long time is really harmful.

This way of life invariably causes pain in the body, a feeling of "broken". There are also more serious consequences – the occurrence of muscle and bone disorders, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, even cancer. As a result, even after avoiding fatal diseases, a person significantly shortens his life. Even regular exercise does not help.

2. Incorrect posture when sitting leads to chronic diseases.Therefore, it is recommended to get a special device at the workplace that helps to straighten the spine.

Otherwise, arthritis and bursitis will be provided.

3. Desktops with a built-in treadmill cause injuries.Of course, such tables will help reduce the likelihood of obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

However, they also cause an increase in the number of typos, and can also provoke falls and injuries

4. The refusal of timely meals is stressful for the body.Often office work is associated with constant running around, which does not allow you to eat on time.

With constant skipping lunch, the body is brought to stress and serious metabolic disorders. People who do not eat breakfast regularly are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure; they have a higher risk of becoming overweight, heart problems. Therefore, it is extremely important to have breakfast regularly in the morning within two hours after getting up.

5. Eating fast food contributes to cardiovascular diseases.It has been established that even infrequent consumption of junk food, which includes fast food, instead of a full meal causes negative consequences; "fast food" often contains twice the number of calories compared to regular food.

At the same time, it contains a lot of harmful oxidized fats, which in itself increases the risk of heart disease.

6. The depressing influence of "motivating" meetings.Some employers have a practice of organizing various "team building exercises" and other kinds of motivational meetings aimed at increasing the productivity of employees.

Their essence is to make people feel joy from what they are not really sure about. As a result, the effect is reversed, it only increases people's discontent.

7. Recycled air is toxic, clogs the lungs.In another way, in the environmental protection authorities, this is called "sick building syndrome".

The air inside an office space can be up to 100 times dirtier than outside! Pollutants, dangerous bacteria, toxic particles, mold accumulate in air conditioners, especially in buildings where they are not regularly and not very carefully cleaned.

8. Being near working copiers and printers for a long time can lead to lung diseases.The operation of photocopiers is associated with the formation of ozone, which in case of untimely change of filters becomes potentially fatal.

Even in small amounts, ozone can cause pain and irritation in the chest.

And laser printers contain particles of developing powder that can get into the lungs and blood vessels, causing various diseases.

9. The harmfulness of long work with a laptop on your lap.In this case, overheating may cause skin problems.

A separate "nuisance" – for men: According to researchers at New York University, it was found that the temperature of the scrotum can rise from a "heated laptop, causing a decrease in the number of sperm produced.

10. The danger of working for more than 10 hours a day.Such processing can end in a heart attack.

According to European researchers, if you work at a computer for more than 10 hours a day, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and angina, increases by 60%.

11. The harm of working without a fixed schedule.Attention, programmers, freelancers and everyone else who works a lot in the evenings.

Firstly, such work contributes to weight gain and stress hormone levels. As established by scientists at Harvard University, those who go to bed late and wake up late have a reduced level of the hormone leptin, responsible for curbing appetite, and, conversely, an increased amount of the hormone cortisol associated with stress.

Secondly, late work with a computer "contributes" to the development of type 2 diabetes and various heart diseases.

12. Damage to vision caused by the monitor.Modern computer screens do not emit radiation, but prolonged "peering" into them causes excessive tension in the eyes, which can harm vision, as well as cause headaches and migraines, increased blood pressure.

13. Harm from monotonous, boring work.Many computer users understand what it is, because they do exactly this kind of work.

The author of the post can also give an appropriate example, because he happened to see it with his own eyes. Employees are engaged in entering multi-digit numbers printed in small print on A4 sheets (5-7 numbers from one sheet) into the computer from the keyboard and using a scanner. The duration of the working day (shift work) is 12 hours; the working "norm" is 2500 sheets per shift!

Whatever the habit of doing such work automatically, a person is still "tormented" by boredom, which, according to the results of researchers, can seriously shorten life, increasing the risk of heart disease or stroke.

14. Harm from bacteria in the office.The keyboard is a fertile ground for the growth of bacteria; according to scientists, there can be 5 times more bacteria (such as E. coli) on it than in the toilet.

In general, germs are everywhere in the office: on door handles, cranes, elevator buttons and printers. Unwashed hands are also foci of bacteria transmitted through handshakes.

15. Carpal tunnel syndrome.Excessive work with the keyboard causes painful stretching of the wrist, which can cover the entire arm.

The most serious consequences of this are irreversible nerve damage and muscle atrophy.

16. Accidents in office work negatively affect memory and learning ability.When it is necessary to fit in a very short time, a person gets nervous.

Hence the consequences. Short-term stress is also harmful.

17. Chronic stretching of tendons from working with a computer mouse.Prolonged tension of the tendons accompanying such operations leads to their stretching.

18. Weakening of the hands and wrists when using a smartphone.Muscle fatigue and the so-called "smartphone finger syndrome", which eventually weakens the entire arm, are at risk of people typing SMS and emails in large numbers on the gadget.

19. Harm from uncomfortable shoes.Luxury "boats", no matter how beautifully they sit on the leg, can lead to spinal injury, cause muscle spasms and chronic headaches.

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