28 August 2013

Pressure of friends

Friends of a marriage partner have a beneficial effect on a person's blood pressure

ABC Magazine

The quality of social life of one of the spouses affects the blood pressure of the second spouse and, presumably, the risk of cardiovascular diseases. at the same time, the more pleasant people there are among family acquaintances, the lower the pressure for both spouses. This is reported by researchers from the University of Utah (University of Utah) in the journal PLoS One (Uchino et al., The Quality of Spouses' Social Networks Contributes to Each Other's Cardiovascular Risk).

Previous studies have already proved that a person's social connections have a serious impact on his health. A recent meta-analysis showed that socially active people with many friends live longer than singles. However, scientists have never investigated the influence of a person's friends on the health of his/her spouse. To correct this, Bert Uchino and his colleagues conducted a study involving 94 married couples. The average age of the participants was 29.6 years. None of the participants had hypertension, cardiovascular disease or psychological disorders at the beginning of the study. Every morning, the participants' blood pressure was measured.

The social activity and social circle of each participant was assessed using questionnaires. The researchers were interested in 3 categories of acquaintances: friends who cause positive emotions; acquaintances who cause negative emotions; and acquaintances who cause mixed emotions. On average, each participant reported having 8 pleasant friends, 8 unpleasant acquaintances and 1 acquaintance causing mixed feelings.

As in previous studies, it turned out that the quality of a person's social life directly affected his health. More pleasant people in his environment lowered blood pressure, and more unpleasant people increased it. However, it turned out that exactly the same effect is observed not only in the owner of such friends and acquaintances, but also in his spouse. Scientists explain this by the fact that communicating with pleasant people outside the house, a person brings home positive emotions, and communicating with unpleasant people for themselves, they bring home only negative. Thus, his social circle also affects the health of his marriage partner.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru28.08.2013

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