15 April 2014

Smart shoes will help prevent fractures

Shoes on wheels will protect against dangerous fractures

MedikForum.ru (without reference to the source)

Israeli scientists have created shoes on wheels, somewhat resembling roller skates, which will help people avoid falls and fractures. These shoes will be especially useful for elderly people.

In old age, some injuries after falls, such as a hip fracture, can bind a person to bed for many months and years (if not for life), depriving him of independence. In order to avoid such injuries, shoes called B-Shoe (Balancing Shoes – VM. From the outside, these shoes seem absolutely ordinary, but there are pressure sensors in their insoles, and a weight movement control sensor is installed in the toe.

All these sensors are connected to ten tiny wheels mounted in the soles. As soon as the sensors detect a sharp change in pressure caused by displacement in any direction (this precedes a fall), they send a signal to the microchip, which activates the wheels. They scroll a few centimeters forward or backward, depending on where the shoe owner falls. This rapid movement allows you to restore balance and stability in a fraction of a second, preventing a fall.

The wheels themselves are constantly in contact with the floor and are not used during normal walking, so that the owners of shoes can not be afraid to slip. The wheels can scroll only a few centimeters, and they have special holders that provide stability. B-Shoe boots work on all flat surfaces, so they can prove to be a valuable item for the elderly.

According to statistics, every third person over 65 and half of those older than 80, faces at least one serious fracture. Victims of a hip fracture have a 20% risk of dying in the first year after injury, and the probability that these people will be able to fully recover is estimated at the same figure.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru15.04.2014

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