Physical education and microflora
Mouthwash destroys bacteria that play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure after physical exertion.
05.09.2019Mouthwash destroys bacteria that play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure after physical exertion.
05.09.2019Do adults need to be vaccinated against infections, are vaccinations related to autism and why measles is walking the planet again.
04.09.2019Six months of periodic fasting did not cause any side effects in the volunteers, but they improved many health indicators.
02.09.2019The more ultra-processed food in our diet, the more likely it is to get sick, and even with a fatal outcome.
30.08.2019A high-fat diet during pregnancy reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease in the offspring in the future.
28.08.2019A recent study showed that the use of fish oil in food does not affect the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
27.08.2019A normal but elevated amount of glucose in the blood increases the risk of cancer by 17%, in combination with prediabetes – by 50%, and with diabetes – by 2 times.
25.07.2019Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a higher risk of heart failure in women than in men.
23.07.2019People who have received a financial incentive quit smoking 50% more often. The amount of remuneration in this case does not matter.
19.07.2019A healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of age-related dementia and Alzheimer's disease by a third, even with a genetic predisposition.
17.07.2019Swedish scientists conducted a study that showed that the condition of prediabetes does not necessarily lead to diabetes.
16.07.2019Limiting the consumption of sugary drinks, including natural juices, can reduce the incidence of cancer.
16.07.2019Every fourth Muscovite is a carrier of a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, and therefore may be at risk of developing schizophrenia.
16.07.2019The more activities that stimulate mental activity are present in people's lives, the better their brain works in old age.
15.07.2019Interval fasting prevents fatty degeneration of the pancreas and reduces the risk of diabetes.
04.07.2019The risk of any complications during fecal transplantation is less than 0.001%, and the risk of fatal complications after appendix removal is 1.5%.
04.07.2019Diabetic patients who took antidepressants died 35% less often than the rest of the Taiwanese who suffered from this disease.
03.07.2019Sitting down (watching TV), as opposed to sitting at work, is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and death.
28.06.2019A recent study has shown a relationship between the risk of liver cancer and the condition of the oral cavity.
20.06.2019The more microbiota in household dust resembles rural dust in composition, the lower the risk of developing asthma in a child.
19.06.2019You can write to the editor at:
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