08 December 2009

Take care of the prostate – drink coffee!

Coffee saves men's second heart from cancerAlexey Tymoshenko, GZT.ru
Coffee contributes to the prevention of prostate cancer.

Doctors have found out that men who consume this drink in large quantities, prostate tumors are about 60% less common than those who do not drink coffee at all.

Scientists from Harvard Medical School made a conclusion about the healing properties of coffee based on data on almost 50 thousand patients. For 20 years, from 1986 to 2006, doctors collected information about coffee consumption by study participants every four years and simultaneously noted all cases of prostate cancer.

Cancer and risk factors

Prostate cancer is a disease that, after lung cancer, ranks 2nd in the number of deaths from malignant tumors. However, as medical research has shown, for residents of different regions, the probability of getting prostate cancer can vary tenfold: in Russia, 10-15 people get sick out of 100 thousand men a year, in Japan the same indicator is 2 times lower, and among blacks in the USA in the 1990s, doctors counted over a hundred cases per 100 thousand. a person per year.

The spread by region indicates a complex combination of risk factors: nationality, diet, smoking. Versions have been repeatedly put forward about the connection of the disease with infection. It has not yet been possible to unequivocally establish all the reasons.


Large–scale studies conducted by scientists to identify various links between diseases and lifestyle have made it possible to find out that there is a fairly simple, safe and affordable remedy that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer - coffee.

Catherine Wilson, one of the authors of the study, says that, despite the apparent simplicity, the hypothesis about the effect of coffee on the development of cancer has not been tested before. Meanwhile, a drink rich in antioxidants and containing many biologically active components may well affect a variety of biochemical processes in the body. (In particular, the fact that coffee helps with Alzheimer's disease is shown quite convincingly – VM.)

"Coffee consumption changes insulin levels, affects glucose uptake, can change the level of sex hormones – all this led us to the idea that we need to check how the risk of developing different types of prostate cancer changes with active consumption of this drink," Wilson quotes in a press release from the American Association for Cancer Research.

Complex composition

According to Wilson, the key factor is not caffeine, which is usually considered the main component of the drink in terms of its effect on the body. It will be necessary to establish what exactly has a preventive effect in further experiments, but this may not be an easy task: a combination of substances sometimes works completely differently than substances separately.

An example, far from ordinary products, but indicative from a chemical point of view: hydrochloric acid and caustic soda (alkali) can cause severe burns, but if they are mixed, you get only water and table salt. Similarly, complex organic molecules can react with each other and gastric juice, sometimes giving completely unexpected products.


Coffee, as scientists have found out, can reduce the risk of developing a tumor by 60%: this is how the incidence rate of avid coffee drinkers differed from the incidence rate of those who did not drink coffee in principle. But this, alas, does not cancel regular visits to the doctor to detect cancer in the early stages, and, as follows from medical statistics, diagnosis should be regular.

After all, almost a fifth of newly detected tumors are the fourth, last stage. The operation at this stage turns out to be useless. Cancer in the early stages, when it can be treated with chemotherapy or surgery, was detected in less than half of the cases, including due to the fact that the tumor becomes noticeable too late to the touch. For timely and accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take a blood test at least once a year for the so-called prostate-specific antigen, the presence of which indicates, if not the disease itself, then serious problems with the prostate gland.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru08.12.2009

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