09 January 2017

The whole truth about spermotoxicosis

Daria Sarkisyan, N+1
(see the links in the original article)

This article will be useful to anyone who is seriously afraid of spermotoxicosis or an analogue of this condition in women. We have analyzed from the point of view of science the main concerns that are associated with sexual abstinence, and found nothing harmful in it.

Abstinence does not undermine health

Let's start with the obvious advantages: complete abstinence is the best protection against STIs. There is no sexual contact, you will not get infected through the toilet seat and in the pool, so you can not be afraid of chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis. HIV and hepatitis B can be obtained, for example, through blood transfusion, but in any case abstinence reduces the risk of getting sick. However, we must remember that if you nevertheless practice oral sex and fingering, then you still need to protect yourself, otherwise it is quite possible to get an STI.

If you do not have sex for a long time, do not be afraid that it will directly harm your health: it will cause schizophrenia, stomach ulcers or cataracts. Although there are few studies on the effects of abstinence on health, existing ones show that there is nothing to worry about. And in fact, a small number of works is a good sign that abstinence does not cause doctors to fear for the patient's health, so no one is trying to investigate such a condition.

Spermotoxicosis does not exist

Sperm consists of seminal fluid and spermatozoa. Neither is toxic to humans. Sperm cells in general periodically die and are disposed of, like any other aged cells of the body. By the way, if we assume that men have spermotoxicosis, then those who have had a vasectomy should suffer from terrible poisoning: their vas deferens are cut, and spermatozoa will not be able to get anywhere from the testicles until their death. In fact, at first after the operation there may be unpleasant sensations due to sperm stagnation, but then in the vast majority of cases everything becomes normal.

Abstinence does not make a person prone to pedophilia and bestiality

In fact, no one knows why paraphilia (socially unacceptable sexual attraction) occurs. There are several theories, but none of them is related to prolonged abstinence, and in general there is no good advice that would help preventatively protect yourself from such a disorder.

Masturbating is not harmful

"People spend too much time worrying about masturbation," the authors of the book "Does Size Matter?! And 69 more debunked myths about sex" by Aaron Carroll and Rachel Vriman. And it's hard to disagree with them. Masturbating is normal and safe. Firstly, it is necessary, of course, to clarify that masturbation is not the sad lot of singles: people who are in a relationship also masturbate quite to themselves, and in the end it is just one of the types of sexual activity. Secondly, there is no evidence that masturbation is harmful to health (as long as you don't stuff unsuitable objects like a candelabra or a fountain pen into yourself and don't rub too actively). In the XXI century, it is strange to even think that "masturbation causes hair to grow on your hands and you can go blind." Sometimes an advanced doctor may even prescribe masturbation as a treatment for some disorders.

What is harmful is the stigma

A man can be considered a loser if he is still a virgin at the age of 25. Gynecologists often say to women who have never had sex in their 20s, something like: "You just don't have to wait for a prince on a white horse" or "It's about time for you, actually." It happens that a person likes to masturbate, and those around him consider such behavior unacceptable or even a sin. All this does not add peace and joy to someone who does not have sex.

Abstinence does not help to achieve the best sports results

At least there is no evidence of this, and there are small studies in which the opposite has been shown. Lack of sleep, of course, can have a bad effect on a person's condition, but sex itself is very unlikely: it is difficult to imagine that a professional athlete will bring himself to exhaustion during sexual intercourse. But, perhaps, if a person believes that sex will worsen his condition, it is better to refrain on the eve of the competition.

What else to read on the topic:
Carroll A., Vriman R. Does size matter?! And 69 more debunked myths about sex / Translated from the English by O.D. Sidorova. – Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2015.
Roach, Mary. Sex for science. Science for sex / Translated from the English by G. Shulgi. – M.: Alpina non-fiction, 2016.

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