20 January 2011

To make him disappear, overweight!

Pills from food
Elena Trubacheva, clinical pharmacologist
ABC Magazine"What would you like to eat to lose weight?"

Sooner or later, the absolute majority of young ladies on the territory of our vast country ask themselves this question after watching glossy magazines, TV channels and endless programs about weight loss. At the same time, I want the result right now, immediately, preferably without getting up from the sofa. And now the obliging media are slipping an advertisement for another miracle pill that will block everything, burn all the fat, and you will be "slender-prestroynaya, like a birch tree in an open field." At the same time, it is not necessary to limit yourself to all sorts of goodies. Anyway, that's what the ads promise.

Summer is just around the corner, and soon the bodily torments will begin before the next bathing season. The eyes of many will turn towards pharmacies with their "magic jars and boxes". Let's try to figure them out. I warn you right away – we will not discuss dietary supplements, since they honestly, albeit very finely, say: "it is not a medicinal product."

Let's start with the main thing. Let's determine if there is a weight, which you need to get rid of with pills. It's no secret that quite slender young ladies find "extra pounds" in some areas of their body and begin to fight them courageously. A smart body does not give up without a fight and it is good if it wins this fight, otherwise fellow psychiatrists risk getting another victim of anorexia of the "skin and bones" system.

The easiest and most affordable way to understand whether you need to lose weight is to determine your body mass index (BMI). Progress has reached the point that such a function is already embedded in some models of mobile phones. However, you can also count with "handles": BMI = body weight, kg / (human height, m)2 . If the resulting figure does not exceed 25, you are fine. Yes, 68 kg with a height of 170 cm IS NORMAL!

Well, if the BMI is closer to 30, or even exceeded this figure – it is necessary to take measures, it smells like obesity. With all subsequent health problems, including type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, etc.

However, even in this situation, a cavalry charge will be superfluous. And instead of a raid on a pharmacy, it is necessary to reach an endocrinologist who will identify the cause of the accumulation of excess body weight and prescribe treatment. After all, obesity is not necessarily a consequence of overeating, there are many diseases and conditions accompanied by weight gain. And in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to cure or drive the underlying disease into remission.

If the extra kilos were taken "because someone eats too much", you will have to remember the word "discipline". Because competent weight loss is a long and rather complicated event, despite the apparent simplicity of its basic principle "eat less and move more". This simplicity is its main difficulty. It is very difficult to give up snacking "tasty" between the main meals, and to tear yourself away from the chair and the TV in favor of multi-kilometer walks and the pool is akin to a feat. Even put a treadmill in front of the same TV and walk (Not run! Namely to walk!) on it, several kilometers a day seems like an impossible task. Especially when there is a tempting alternative: eat a package of pills and quickly, effortlessly build up.

THERE are NO medicines "for overeating" or "for weight loss" without harm to health. Fortunately or unfortunately, it depends on which side to look at. There are now two "groups" of medicines on the pharmaceutical market.

The first group is anorexic drugs that eliminate the feeling of hunger, act for a very short time and are accompanied by a large number of adverse reactions. Most of the anorectics who never officially reached us were methamphetamine derivatives. The official pharmaceutical industry refused them, but the fallen banner was picked up by dietary supplements manufacturers. Do you remember the "Thai pills" when the young ladies did not eat anything, lost weight in front of their eyes, while being viciously aggressive and with an abnormal glint in their eyes? But many of them later found themselves in hospitals with an almost completely destroyed liver and formed drug addiction, so it's hard to call them slim and healthy at the same time.

In 2010, first in Europe, then in the USA, sibutramine-based drugs were banned from use. With the wording "the harm from the use of this drug in the treatment of obesity is disproportionately higher than its benefits." American and European scientists have found that when taking sibutramine-based drugs, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes, sharply increases.

And what about Russia? Nothing so far. Sibutramine was sold and is still being sold. Given that the markets of Europe and North America are now closed to him, and the production of "slimming pills" has not stopped for a minute, the money needs to be "recaptured" (nothing personal – just business) now all these volumes are likely to end up with us. With even more aggressive advertising for supporters of building-on-the-couch. If this does not stop you, then at least remember that you can not take them independently and uncontrollably in any case. Even if you think that you have perfect health (although if that's the case, then why the extra weight?).

The second group is drugs based on orlistat, which work as inhibitors of the pancreatic lipase enzyme, which, in turn, is necessary in the intestine for the absorption of fats. Medications reduce the absorption of fats, which pass almost unchanged through the intestine, enter its lower part and are excreted from the body.

In about 30 percent of cases, this is accompanied by bloating of the intestine, frequent urge to defecate and steatorrhea (feces with a high fat content). Patients mistakenly perceive this as an effect of the drug, in fact, such phenomena indicate problems with the pancreas. In fact, orlistat is a disciplining drug. The person who takes it needs to halve the fat content in the diet. Otherwise, the phenomena described above will significantly spoil the mood and well-being. Recently, it has been found to have a toxic effect on the liver, which is why it is under the close attention of European and American regulatory authorities.

Let 's repeat concisely:

  • firstly, there is no magic pill for weight loss on the couch;
  • secondly, there are drugs in pharmacies, but these are medicines with a lot of side effects, and not "vitamins", they cannot be used independently, a preliminary examination is necessary before and medical supervision during;
  • thirdly, the most effective way to lose excess weight, if it really is and it appeared by overeating, is "less food and more movement."

Again, in accordance with the principles of healthy eating, reasonable loads (you can, for example, just get a dog – several walks every day are provided) and under the supervision of a specialist. Yes, this path is long and thorny, a certain lifestyle will have to be adhered to for months, or even years. But the result is much higher than from "pills", hunger strikes and the like extreme.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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