17 July 2015

Train your bones!

Weight training and jumping reduce bone loss associated with aging

Ivan Sychev, Geektimes

People lift weights to increase muscle mass, but few studies have looked at the effect of this sport on bones. Scientists from the University of Missouri USA have proven that exercise helps reduce bone loss associated with aging (Exercise May Reverse Age-Related Bone Loss in Middle-Aged Men).

Six months of training increased the bone mass and increased the bone density of the program participants. 

The study involved 38 physically active middle-aged men. During the year, half of them were engaged in weight training, the rest – jumping. In both cases, they performed exercises from 60 to 120 minutes a week. The average age was 45.5 years in the first group and 42.1 years in the second. Participants took calcium and vitamin D. 

The scientists took control measurements at the beginning of the study, after six months of training and a year later. The bone mass was checked using an X-ray of the whole body, hip and lumbar spine. 

Only those bones that experience mechanical stress become stronger. Therefore, the researchers chose exercises that load the hips and spine – these are squats, deadlifts, lunges and bench presses. The intensity of the load should be increased over time to increase the strength. Both programs were based on a gradual increase in workload, each of the groups received weeks of rest – breaks are necessary to maximize tissue response. 

The study provides data on changes in the participants' body weight. At the beginning of the strength program, on average, they weighed 82.6 kilograms, after six months – 83.4 kilograms, after a year – 84.2 kilograms. The jumping group, on the contrary, reduced the weight from 77.9 kilograms to 77.1 kilograms. At the same time, in both cases, the level of subcutaneous fat decreased, and the group of "siloviki" gained more than a kilogram of lean muscle mass. 

Pamela S. Hinton, the team leader, noted that people do not need to know about the presence of heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes in order to start classes. Sports can prevent these ailments. Also, people should not know that they have osteoporosis in order to start lifting weights. 60-120 minutes of exercise a week will allow most people to improve their condition. Many exercises can be done at home with a minimum number of simulators.

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