18 June 2010

"Viagra for ladies" is covered

"Female Viagra" does not workABC Magazine
The FDA reported that according to the results of two studies, a pink pill designed to enhance libido in women turned out to be invalid (FDA: 'Female Viagra' falls short).

Last year, Boehringer Ingelheim announced that a drug containing the active ingredient Flibanserin could become a female analogue of Viagra, for which the pink pills received the appropriate name. It was planned that already in 2011, women of the world at the pre-menopausal age who have problems with libido will find all the joys of sex with the help of a new drug.

However, before the release of "female Viagra" to the market, the drug had to pass safety and efficacy tests. It was assumed that during the trials, taking the drug would cause an increase in libido, regardless of whether sexual intercourse took place after taking the pill or not. And so, according to the results of two studies, the FDA announced that there was no noticeable increase in sexual desire in women who took part in the trials. More precisely, the effect of the drug is equivalent to the action of a placebo.

Moreover, the FDA reports the presence of significant side effects of the drug: depression, fainting, dizziness.

Flibanserin belongs to the category of antidepressants that change the level of serotonin and some other substances in the brain. The mechanism of its action, as a drug that increases sexual desire in women, is not exactly known, experts of the manufacturer explain, but, in their opinion, their creation could help every tenth woman with sexual problems.

To date, more than 40% of women suffer from reduced libido. Since the appearance of Viagra in 1998, attempts to create a female version of it have been made repeatedly. In financial terms, some analysts estimate the potential market for such drugs at $ 2 billion.

However, according to a number of doctors, it is impossible to create a medicine "for women" — too complex processes underlie the sexual desires of the fair sex. And in most cases, the lack of sexual desire in women is not associated with the level of certain substances in their body, but with a woman's lifestyle and attitude to sex.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru18.06.2010

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