08 November 2023

Doctors have named the top 5 products that will help cope with fall moping

November is the most difficult time of the year in terms of maintaining good mood and well-being. Sunlight is obviously not enough, and the daylight hours are too short, cold weather prevents long walks, the bright colors of autumn have been replaced by gray pre-winter - all this cannot but affect your mood. How to support the body, without dubious stimulants like cigarettes and alcohol, told the experts of the TV channel "Doctor".

They named the top 5 products that will help the body at the biochemical level. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to overeat, because most of the recommended products are quite caloric.

1. Bitter chocolate

It contains tryptophan, which is essential for the production of serotonin, the "joy hormone" that directly affects our mood. In addition, a couple of pieces of chocolate a day will help fight sleepiness, and its smell in the room (you can make liquid chocolate or cocoa) increases the level of endorphins.

2. bananas

Vitamin B6 and magnesium in them will help you relax and resist stress. Experts advise choosing green bananas - they have fewer calories. However, the advice is not indisputable - ripe bananas are definitely tastier.

3. Walnuts

Walnuts also contain tryptophan, which will raise serotonin levels, and if you eat a handful of nuts in the evening - it will promote the production of melatonin, which will make sleep deeper and stronger. A good night's sleep is a great cure for moping. Nuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids - they will help keep your skin supple, hair and nails strong during the heating season.
4. Salad greens

Folic acid helps fight depression - it is rich in spinach, watercress, arugula, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, parsley and cilantro. There is folic acid and in meat, eggs, legumes. But heat treatment halves its amount in the finished dish. Therefore, raw salads are better.

5. Turkey with citrus fruits

"This unusual combination will not only lift your mood as an unexpected gastronomic delicacy in gray weekdays, but also enrich the body with selenium, copper, iron, potassium, vitamins C, B12 and B6 - a perfect "cocktail" for mood. And protein will give you long-lasting satiety and take care of your figure," concluded the experts of the channel.

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