16 June 2008

When machos cry in vain…

Elena Ionova, Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine"Some serious misconceptions of the "stronger sex" about their health are debunked by our consultants – andrologist, Professor Armais Kamalov and cardiologist Tamara Ogieva.

1. Does weight training relieve stress?And the doctors thought so too.

But recently scientists have proved that with sharp and powerful loads, on the contrary, the release of the stress hormone – adrenaline into the blood increases. As a result, the level of internal aggression increases.

Frequent rhythmic movements on simulators cause not relaxation, but excitement of the nervous system. This happens due to increased blood flow and constant irritation of nerve endings. Therefore, often a man comes out of the "rocking chair" even more nervous than he went there after work. And a new term has appeared in the list of mental disorders – "fitness neurosis". They suffer mainly from men who are fixated on constantly pumping up their muscles.

The simplest aerobic exercises help to really relax - calm swimming and walking.

2. Does menopause lie in wait for everyone?The reason for men's menopause is in the depths of the brain, and not in the causal place, according to experts from the University of Cambridge.

After conducting a survey and examination of 1.5 thousand men from 40 to 60 years old, they concluded: the sexual life of mature men in 80% of cases "cracks" not because of health, but because of a change in life values.

Among the surveyed men in the priority list, only 3% put sex in the first place. At the same time, family relationships remain important, but more in the perspective of responsibility for well-being and stability.

And the age-related decrease in the production of the male hormone testosterone does not occur due to objective reasons, but because the average man "reprograms" himself for a quieter life.

Therefore, if for a woman menopause is, alas, an inevitable thing, then for a man it is a voluntary matter.

3. Does prostatitis lead to impotence?That's how the ad screams.

But in fact, this is by no means the case. It has been proven that chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction are two different and often unrelated diseases. The deterioration of an erection can have several reasons, the main of which are two:

Psychogenic is associated with an unsuccessful sexual experience, prolonged abstinence, some psychological fears. Then you need the help not so much of urologists as of a psychotherapist.

Vascular, when the blood filling of the penis simply worsens due to problems with pressure, heart or kidneys. When correcting the underlying disease, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia, "impotence" will be removed by hand.

But the erectile dysfunction that already exists for some reason can lead to stagnant prostatitis, when sexual intercourse and sperm production occur less often, which just leads to the development of inflammation.

4. Male infertility is not treated?– A harmful opinion.

The most common reason that children do not turn out is obstruction of the vas deferens. Reconstructive microsurgical surgery to restore these ducts leads to an absolute possibility of conceiving a child. Other problems may be associated with chronic inflammation, which leads to a violation of spermatogenesis. That is, spermatozoa are formed, but their mobility, quantity, viability are lower than normal. This is also successfully treated.

Also, a violation of sperm secretion sometimes develops against the background of infectious mumps (mumps). Sometimes hormonal problems are to blame. But even these problems can be solved with the help of modern medicines. Andrologists believe that two–thirds of cases of so-called male infertility are curable (with the exception of some consequences of injuries and severe radiation exposure - and even then you need to look at individually). So you need to look for the reason: get tested for infections, do a spermogram.

5. If nothing hurts, do you need to be checked?– Experts believe that all men over the age of 40 need to be examined by a urologist or andrologist once a year, even if there are no external symptoms.

And there is nothing shameful in this, because women go to the gynecologist and do not buzz! There are a number of male diseases, for example, prostate tumors, which occur in the first stages without symptoms at all. The slightest changes in the state of the prostate will show a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA). If there is a suspicion of a prostate tumor, a biopsy is performed. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the disease can be stopped with a gentle operation. The main thing is not to miss the moment.

testYou feel like a fully accomplished middle-aged man.

You have achieved quite a lot and are by no means a loser. But they began to notice that lately life seems to be losing its colors, irritability, fatigue appeared, catch yourself grumbling about trifles. And in the sexual sphere, too, there has been a decline, sex does not bring the joy of pleasure that a few years ago... Men's health specialists – andrologists – claim that these symptoms may indicate a decrease in the production of the hormone testosterone. The answers to these questions will help you figure out if it's time for you to visit an andrologist.

1. Have you recently noticed a decrease in sexual desire (decreased pleasure from sex, lack of desire)?
2. Are you less energetic than before?
3. Do you feel a decrease in physical strength, endurance?
4. Does it seem to you that the height has decreased a little?
5. There are fewer and fewer things that please you, do you enjoy life in general less and less? Do you think that the "peak of life" has been passed?
6. Sadness often attacks for no reason, are you annoyed by such trifles that you would not have paid attention to before?
7. Is there a feeling that the quality of erections has become worse?
8. Activity has decreased, excitement has disappeared, some sports activities have become difficult and uninteresting to you, an invitation to play football or tennis is depressing, although until recently you were happy to participate in competitions?
9. After lunch, do you want to take a nap for an hour or two?
10. Have your performance, memory, attention deteriorated?

If you answered positively to questions numbered 1 or 7, and also gave positive answers to any other four questions, you should take a test to check your testosterone level. Its production can be disrupted for various reasons, including endocrine problems, disorders of the autonomic nervous system (dystonia), blood circulation, the consequences of taking some strong drugs. Age as such is not even in the top ten among these reasons. So this is a reversible condition, the main thing is to get to the bottom of the cause and take action in time.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru16.06.2008

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