11 September 2015

A "liquid biopsy" will suspect cancer before symptoms manifest

A new genetic test for early detection of cancer has appeared on the market

Remedium Pathway Genomics, a company engaged in commercial genetic analysis, has introduced a new screening test for early detection of cancer, informs Reuters (Pathway launches 'liquid biopsy' to find cancer in healthy people).

The new test uses liquid biopsy technology to detect tumor DNA particles in the blood of a healthy patient. The new non-invasive procedure allows to determine the presence of 96 genetic markers associated with the development of the most common oncological diseases (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer and melanoma).

The cost of the test is estimated at $ 299. You can take the test only by appointment of a doctor, and a positive result needs to be confirmed by standard diagnostic methods.

According to many oncologists, such tests are extremely promising, but at present it is necessary to conduct additional clinical studies and obtain evidence that their use makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

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