12 September 2016

Aging as a side effect

How males influence females

"Scientific Russia"

A research team led by Ilya Ruvinsky from Northwestern University in the USA came to the conclusion that the male body can send chemical signals to the female, activating the reproductive behavior of the female, but the side effect is the acceleration of the aging process of the female body. This is reported in the press release of the University Male chemistry primes females for reproduction -- but at a cost. The article was published in the journal Current Biology.

The study was conducted on C.elegans nematodes, which have proven themselves as a model for biomedical research, in conditions close to their natural habitat. They found chemical signals (pheromones) that can accelerate female puberty and signals that allow prolonging the period of activity of reproductive function. But the same chemical signals accelerate the aging processes of other systems of the female's body.

According to scientists, their results echo the previously obtained results in experiments on mice, which suggests that this is a kind of universal mechanism of influence of the male body on the female. The results of the research, ultimately, can help in the development of new therapies for reproductive problems and the development of methods to combat aging.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  12.09.2016

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