19 June 2009

An exciting video from the life of synapses

Scientists filmed the formation of synapses on video
Copper news based on UC Davis materials: UC Davis researchers visualize formation of a new synapseAmerican scientists have demonstrated the critical role of the neuroligin protein in the formation of synapses – connections between nerve cells – and filmed this process on video.

To visualize the formation of a synapse between isolated rat neurons, researchers from the University of California at Davis labeled the key proteins of this process with fluorescent substances: neuroligin, membrane guanylate kinase PSD-95 and glutamate NMDA receptor.

Scientists were able to show how the axon (the main process of a neuron transmitting a signal to another cell) grows towards the dendrites (branched processes) of a neighboring neuron, adjacent to it. Then the neuroligin molecules "wrap around" these dendrites, connecting the cells. Neuro-ligin accumulates rapidly at the junction, strengthening it. Then NMDA receptors are transported to the future axon, and after a while the PSD-95 molecules binding to them are transported.

This process underlies the formation of signal transmission pathways in the nervous system during its development. It is assumed that a violation of the formation of neuronal connections underlies some mental diseases, for example, autism (recently the relationship between the exchange of neurolignin and the development of this disease has been shown). The discovery of American scientists will deepen the understanding of this relationship.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru/19.06.2009

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