26 September 2018

And the boys too

In Ireland, not only girls, but also boys will be vaccinated against HPV

Anna Kerman, XX2 century

In July of this year, in the UK, it was decided to vaccinate against the human papillomavirus (HPV) not only girls, but also teenage boys. Now the Irish authorities are implementing the same policy.

Vaccination of adolescents regardless of gender should reduce the total number of cancer cases (including oral cancer) associated with HPV infection.

Speaking to the press, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar He said: "Now there are public hearings on this issue, we hope that a positive decision will be made in the end.

Minister of [Health] Simon Harris talked about this with me a couple of days ago, we plan to prepare everything necessary to expand the vaccination coverage next year to include boys as well.

Obviously, vaccine purchases cost money, so we have to coordinate payments with general practitioners and set up logistics. But we believe that this initiative is useful both in terms of reducing the incidence of cervical cancer among women in the future, and in terms of preventing cancer of the rectum, penis and head and neck cancer among men. I am pleased to inform you that we plan to act and implement these plans already in 2019."

Irish Health Minister Simon Harris also released a statement mentioning a recent assessment of medical technologies that confirmed that vaccination of boys against HPV is justified both from a clinical and economic point of view. The Minister also recalled that in September, medical teams returning to schools to vaccinate teenage girls. Parents, the minister emphasizes, should make sure that their daughters have received a vital vaccination.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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