19 March 2009

Billions for science

The National Science Foundation of the USA has published data on the funds for scientific research received by universities and colleges in the USA in 2007. In total, the volume of investments in university science reached $49.5 billion ($30 billion in 2000), the lion's share of this money was allocated by the US federal authorities.

In total, American universities received $30.4 billion. from various federal budgets, $9.6 billion. were provided by the universities themselves, $3.15 billion. - budgets of states, municipalities, etc., $2.6 billion. allocated business structures, etc.

Of these, the largest funds ($16.5 billion) were allocated to finance medical research. In addition to medicine, biology (almost $9.3 billion), agronomic disciplines ($2.9 billion), environmental sciences ($2.7 billion), electric power ($1.7 billion), engineering and physics ($1.6 billion each) received the largest financial support. For comparison, less than $350 thousand was allocated for research in the field of economics, $340 thousand for sociology.

In total, 662 colleges and universities conducted scientific research in 2007. Johns Hopkins University ($1.5 million), University of California at San Francisco\University of California, San Francisco ($843 thousand), University of Wisconsin\University of Wisconsin ($840 thousand), University of California at Los Angeles\University of California, Los Angeles ($823 thousand) and the University of Michigan\ University of Michigan ($809 thousand).

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