CT scans show features in the brains of abusive mothers
Understanding the underlying causes at the root of child abuse is important because it can help in preventing such behavior
23.07.2024Understanding the underlying causes at the root of child abuse is important because it can help in preventing such behavior
23.07.2024The study covered the entire population of South Korea for 18 years
12.07.2024US researchers analysed data from more than 700 patients treated with CAR-T-lymphocytes and concluded that their risk of developing new tumours, including those directly related to the therapy, was low
25.06.2024Experts from the USA have identified five types of sleep schedule, analysed how often people "switch" between them, and found patterns associated with health status
24.06.2024Which microorganisms and in what ratio live in the infant's intestines depends largely on physical contact during the first six months of life
21.06.2024An eight-country clinical trial showed that pantoprazole reduced the risk of death from upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage in intensive care patients with stress gastric ulcers
17.06.2024A new US study has shown that the extreme sensitivity of honeybees' olfactory neurons could be used to develop new ways of early diagnosis of lung cancer
17.06.2024An experimental study by American scientists has shown that walking in which the stride length is varied significantly increases energy expenditure
14.06.2024The prevalence of the syndrome increased by one and a half per cent in six years
24.05.2024Secondary analyses of the UK Longitudinal Study of Household Health found that social media use was statistically associated with an increased risk of cigarette smoking initiation and e-cigarette use
20.05.2024A large-scale study has shown that, depending on diet, a person may have an increased or decreased chance of having one type of stroke, rather than any type of this pathology
06.05.2024The ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrate in the diet of male mice affected male and female calves differently
01.05.2024US scientists conducted a cross-sectional study and found that taking drugs from different groups to reduce gastric acidity was associated with a significantly increased risk of migraines and other types of severe headaches
27.04.2024A new international study has found that in couples where people live together for a long time, both spouses may have high blood pressure
08.12.2023Scientists have concluded that depression in one form or another is linked to 20 different diseases, which themselves, at first glance, hardly correlate with each other at all
05.09.2024Experiments confirmed the theory explaining squeamishness as a defense against disease and pointed to six aversion-inducing topics
26.08.2024The rate of speech synthesis is about 32 words per minute
21.08.2024The new research paper, which was published by the journal JAMA Network Open, is based on all babies from the United States who were born alive between 2011 and 2022
19.08.2024Researchers from the USA have found out which area of the brain is activated and which substance it depends on
07.08.2024The scientists' work has not only uncovered a previously unknown intercellular signaling mechanism, but has offered hope for treating liver metastases
25.07.2024You can write to the editor at:
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