23 August 2010

Buy our new, useless and even harmful medicines!

85% of new medicines are uselessElena Ledyaeva, Infox.ru
85% of the widely advertised new medicines are ineffective, their side effects are insufficiently studied, so they can cause serious harm due to toxicity or incorrect dosage.

This is stated in a study by Donald Light, a professor at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. According to the Independent, the report was presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. The data is based on research by independent experts.

So, Light analyzed 111 requests from large pharmaceutical companies for permission to sell certain new drugs. It turned out that 42% of the documents had no information about clinical trials, 40% presented incorrect results of dosage tests, 39% did not contain evidence of clinical efficacy, 49% of the requests did not clarify what side effects the drug has.

"Sometimes pharmaceutical companies hide or downplay information about the serious side effects of new drugs and overestimate their beneficial properties," Light concluded.

"Companies spend two to three times more on marketing than on research to convince doctors to prescribe these new drugs. Doctors may receive incomplete information and then incorrectly inform patients about the risks of a new type of medicine," the study says.

According to him, clinical trials are conducted in order to convince potential consumers of the minimal possible harm of the drug. Then literature is published that highlights the benefits of the new drug. After that, companies begin aggressive advertising of the product, while a limited launch would allow faster and clearer identification of the drug's actions. According to Light, companies simply bombard licensing agencies with requests for permission to sell new drugs, providing "incomplete, only partially standard-compliant results of clinical trials."

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru23.08.2010

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