29 April 2010

Can fibroblasts be rejuvenated?

A factor that eliminates the aging of fibroblasts has been discoveredStemcells.Ru
The aging of human fibroblasts and their loss of the ability to divide is associated with changes in a variety of biological processes, including the extinction of the functions of the proteasome.

The proteasome is responsible for removing currently unnecessary proteins – both normal and damaged. Thus, the proteasome is also among the cellular mechanisms of secondary protection against oxidative stress. Nrf2 (nuclear erythroid factor 2) is the main transcription factor regulating the cellular antioxidant response, as well as some proteasome subunits.

A group of scientists from the Athens Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology (Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology) has found that in human fibroblasts, the Nrf2 function associated with the regulation of the proteasome is undergoing replicative aging. It has been shown that with aging, the function of Nrf2 decreases, whereas switching off this gene leads to premature aging. However, as a result of activation of Nrf2 with the help of a new specific inducer, the level of proteasome activity increases. Moreover, treatment with this inducer leads to a significant increase in cell survival after oxidative stress, and cell growth in an environment containing this substance increases their lifespan. It is important that the effect of Nrf2 on the proteasome continues even at the terminal stages of cell culture aging, fibroblasts continue to respond to Nrf2 stimuli.

Scientists believe that the patterns they discovered open up new possibilities for controlling cell aging.

The research materials are presented in the article Kapeta S, Chondrogianni N, Gonos ES. Nuclear erythroid factor 2-mediated proteasome activation delays senescence in human fibroblasts. J Biol Chem. 2010 Mar 12;285(11):8171-84. Epub 2010 Jan 12.

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