Firefighters found increased DNA methylation in a prostate cancer-associated region of the genome
U.S. scientists evaluated the association between firefighter occupation, serum perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) levels, and DNA methylation
09.05.2024U.S. scientists evaluated the association between firefighter occupation, serum perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) levels, and DNA methylation
09.05.2024The risk of cancer becomes higher because of the extracellular bubbles that the heart releases after a seizure
10.04.2024The new research paper, which was published by the journal JAMA Network Open, is based on all babies from the United States who were born alive between 2011 and 2022
19.08.2024Researchers from the USA have found out which area of the brain is activated and which substance it depends on
07.08.2024Children with type 1 diabetes are twice as likely to have the disease in the father rather than the mother
02.08.2024In experiments with volunteers, symptoms of depression went away after switching to a healthy diet
02.08.2024Researchers from Sri Lanka conducted an observational study and found that obesity and overweight in children are associated with an increased risk of hospitalization for dengue fever
01.08.2024Scientists have shown the fundamental possibility of creating a new class of antitumour drugs based on "plastic antibodies"
12.07.2024A ground-breaking study by US scientists has revealed a mechanism that allows information to be retained in memory throughout a person's lifetime
28.06.2024Xylitol increases the risk of thrombosis, and in humans, ingestion of xylitol increases platelet reactivity
10.06.2024Chinese scientists conducted a prospective cohort study and concluded that metabolic parameters of children born through in vitro fertilisation were independent of whether fresh or frozen embryos were used for this purpose
07.06.2024As reported in an article for the journal JAMA Network Open, patients experienced reductions in anxiety and depression after three months of treatment
06.06.2024The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is critical for decision-making and cost-benefit assessment, and is involved in emotional regulation and social behaviour
31.05.2024Calorie restriction reduces production of protein associated with chronic inflammation
30.05.2024A longitudinal cohort study by British scientists has found that exposure to air pollution and noise during pregnancy and childhood is statistically associated with mental health problems in young adulthood
30.05.2024The brain is capable of rebuilding its structure after stopping binge drinking, and US researchers have found that it doesn't take long for this to happen
22.05.2024It's about correlation, not causation
22.05.2024A large-scale study has shown that, depending on diet, a person may have an increased or decreased chance of having one type of stroke, rather than any type of this pathology
06.05.2024The men were presumably infected after eating meat from deer affected by a chronic debilitating disease, or "zombie virus"
24.04.2024People who had a family history of men with infertility were more likely to have several types of cancer
11.04.2024You can write to the editor at:
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