10 September 2010

Disenfranchised embryos await retrial

U.S. Appeals Court suspends ban on stem cell ExperimentsCopper news
The Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia (USA) suspended the ban on state funding of embryonic stem cell research, AFP reports.

The ban on the relevant experiments was imposed by the Federal Court of the District of Columbia on August 23 during the consideration of a class action brought to court by representatives of religious organizations and scientists involved in the development of "ethical" cellular technologies. The latter claimed that experiments with stem cells violated their commercial interests.

On Wednesday, September 8, Judge Royce C. Lamberth of the Federal Court of the District of Columbia rejected a request to lift this ban filed by the administration of President Barack Obama. Representatives of the executive power asked the court to lift the ban, since it threatened to disrupt many existing scientific projects in the field of cellular technologies.

The decision of the Federal Court has been suspended by the Court of Appeal until the end of the review of the case.

Thus, the rules for financing scientific research, introduced by Barack Obama in early 2009, are again in effect in the United States. In particular, they allow state funds to be allocated for research that uses human embryo cells that have remained unclaimed after infertility treatment by in vitro fertilization (IVF). The order in force in the United States since 2001 prohibited state support for such research.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru10.09.2010



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