20 April 2017

Doctors from Rostec

Rostec creates production of medical nanorobots in Siberia

The united holding "Roselectronics" will open in Krasnoyarsk a center for the development of advanced electronic equipment for diagnostics, neurology, surgery, oncology and other areas of medicine. This was stated on the eve of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum by Sergey Sokol, Adviser to the General Director of Rostec State Corporation. 

The work is carried out jointly with the Foundation for Advanced Research, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University with the assistance of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. 

"The research infrastructure of the 6th technological order will be formed in the Center, which will allow organizing the production of fundamentally new diagnostic and therapeutic tools," said Sergey Sokol. – A serious groundwork has already been created in this direction. On the basis of the Krasnoyarsk NPP Radiosvyaz, technologies of small-scale production have been worked out and areas for industrial production have been prepared, including "clean rooms" for the manufacture of the most complex medical structures and systems." 

It is planned to manufacture equipment and software for magnetic encephalography, digital controlled drugs, and the latest medical sensor systems at the facilities of the Center. A separate area of work will be the development and production of bionanorobots for molecular and cellular theranostics and rapid diagnostic systems in oncology. 

Among the developments that may enter mass production in the near future is a technology that allows surgical sutures and wounds to heal 3 times faster with the help of special vacuum dressings and magnetic nanoconstructions that provide targeted delivery of medicines to the affected organs and tissues of a person. 

They are preparing for the experimental production of intraoperative and differential express diagnostics systems. Conditions for the production of bionanorobots and medical robotic systems are also being worked out, allowing doctors to carry out therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations at the molecular and cellular level. 

The developments are carried out within the framework of the concept "Development of medical robotics in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035". 

"These and other products are based on unique technologies at the intersection of medicine, physics and chemistry – they seem fantastic, but this is a reality that is close," commented Sergey Sokol. – There are positive results of laboratory studies, tests are underway confirming the effectiveness of new techniques, the first prototypes of equipment have been created. The task of the state now is to provide support, create the necessary conditions for the development of technologies and further entry into the market. It is also necessary to develop and maintain cooperation with leading scientific and educational institutions, to involve them in production processes – this is one of the main tasks of the Center."

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  20.04.2017

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