27 November 2008

Fifth Congress of the Society of Biotechnologists of Russia

On December 2-4, 2008, the Fifth Congress of the Ovchinnikov Society of Biotechnologists of Russia will be held in Moscow. The venue of the congress is the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the address: Miklukho-Maklaya str., 16/10.

The organizers of the Congress are the Society of Biotechnologists of Russia (OBR) with the support of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Union of Enterprises of the Biotechnology Industry. The Congress is held with the assistance of the United Russia political party. One of the sponsors of the event is JSC "Biotechnology Corporation".

Within the framework of the Congress, on December 2, an All-Russian meeting of employees of the biotechnological industry will be held. The main task of the Meeting is to identify ways to solve the problems of the development of the biotechnology industry in Russia, which is one of the key guarantors of ensuring both economic and social security, as well as security in the fields of energy, pharmaceuticals, food, ecology. The meeting will be attended by representatives of government, business and science, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moiseev I.I., Miroshnikov A.I., Scriabin K.G., corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Varfolomeev S.D. and others will make presentations.

The participants of the event will discuss the state and prospects of the domestic bioindustry. The central topic of the Meeting will be the concept of a Strategy for the development of the biotechnology industry.

There will be reports and speeches:
– First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Oleg Morozov.
– Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov.
– Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Nikolay Arkhipov.
– President of the Society of Biotechnologists of Russia Raif Vasilov.
– General Director of JSC "Biotechnology Corporation" Pyotr Kanygin.

In the conditions of the growing global economic crisis, innovative scientific developments should become industrial breakthrough biotechnologies, the implementation of which on a national scale will provide a reliable foundation for Russia's national security.

Accreditation of media representatives: Tel./Fax: +7(499)1496134,
E-mail: press-info@corpbiotech.com 

Detailed information is available on the OBR website.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru

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