26 February 2024

Artificial intelligence will help save lives in critical conditions

Artificial intelligence will help optimize the provision of medical care to patients in critical conditions. Sergei Bagnenko, chief freelance specialist in emergency medical care of the Russian Ministry of Health, spoke about it during a session at the Future Technologies Forum.

The Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University is developing the application of AI in image processing (instrumental diagnostics), in logistics, and in the analysis of data sets for different medical specialties. As a rule, AI is used as a way to relieve a doctor's workload.

During the initial assessment of a patient's condition, artificial intelligence helps to quickly process information and identify risk groups, and the doctor, taking into account this assessment and other necessary examinations and data, makes a diagnosis and decides on treatment.

AI is promising for use in intensive care units, where heavy patients must be under 24-hour continuous medical supervision. Artificial intelligence is able to keep records, process and analyze a large number of indicators, it does not get tired, can quickly react in case of negative dynamics in the patient.

Another direction of AI application is the ability to remotely coordinate and qualitatively improve the provision of medical care.

In areas with low population density and a large number of emergency incidents in different parts of Russia, artificial intelligence is able to process information about the flow of emergency patients and help route patients.

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