01 November 2018

More neurons – longer life

Scientists have named the main reason for the high life expectancy

RIA News

Scientists from the American Vanderbilt University have concluded that the average life expectancy of animals and humans depends on the number of neurons in the brain.

Neurologist Suzana Herculano-Huzel studied information about the life expectancy of more than 700 species of warm-blooded animals using the AnAge database. Then she analyzed the number of cortical neurons in various representatives of the fauna, and then compared these coefficients.

In about 75 percent of cases, it was possible to predict the correct life expectancy. For example, birds live about ten times longer than mammals with the same body mass, but fewer brain neurons. Previously, scientists paid more attention to weight and metabolism, but less than 30 percent of forecasts came true.

As Herculano-Huzel clarified, people were considered separately, noting the long period of childhood and postmenopause. A current study has shown that humans live on average as long as animals with a similar number of cortical neurons.

Press release Why does it take humans so long to mature compared to other animals? Look to your neurons! published on the Vanderbilt University website, the article Suzana Herculano‐Houzel Longevity and sexual maturity vary across species with number of cortical neurons, and humans are no exception – in the Journal of Comparative Neurology – VM.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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