17 June 2009

New Aging Marker Determines Biological Age by Blood test

A blood test for biochemical aging has been developedAmerican scientists have developed an analysis that determines biochemical aging.

It allows you to determine the actual degree of age-related changes in the body, ScienceDaily reports.

In 2004, a group of researchers from the University of North Carolina discovered the protein p16INK4a (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor), the production of which by cells and tissues is significantly enhanced during their aging.

Recently, the same scientists discovered that this protein is present in blood cells, and its concentration is directly dependent on the age of a person and on some behavioral features that accelerate aging, such as smoking and lack of physical activity.

Based on these data, the researchers developed a method for determining p16INK4a in blood T-lymphocytes. Such an analysis allows us to assess the biochemical aging of the body, which is more informative in clinical practice than the passport age. The technique was tested on 170 healthy volunteers who were analyzed and asked to fill out a questionnaire to find out the peculiarities of lifestyle.

The study showed a clear relationship between the level of p16INK4a and other biochemical markers of aging, as well as indicators such as age, physical activity and tobacco use. To the surprise of scientists, the concentration of p16INK4a in the blood was practically not affected by obesity.

According to the head of the study, Professor Norman Sharpless, with the help of a new analysis, it is possible to predict the recovery of the body after surgical interventions, the severity of side effects of upcoming chemotherapy, as well as the suitability of organs for transplantation.

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