26 January 2018

Official approval of gene therapy

Gene therapy is officially included in the Russian nomenclature of medical services

Tatiana Lyamzina, Echo of Moscow

On January 1 of this year, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On approval of the nomenclature of medical services" came into force. It includes an innovative method for the treatment of vascular diseases using gene therapy.

We are talking about therapeutic angiogenesis – therapeutic vascular growth. The method is based on the introduction of plasmid DNA to patients with a human gene encoding the synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor and stimulating vascular growth. A new approach to the treatment of ischemia has been successfully applied in Russian practical healthcare since 2012, when the first drug with such a principle of action, developed at the Institute of Human Stem Cells, entered the market.

Currently, it is used to treat lower limb ischemia. Gene therapy increases the number of passable capillaries in ischemic tissues, improves blood supply, reduces the frequency of amputations and mortality in patients with this disease.

The Institute of Human Stem Cells is working to expand the indications for the use of gene therapy. In particular, for the treatment of coronary heart disease, diabetic foot syndrome, as well as traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves.

There are several scientific groups working in the field of therapeutic angiogenesis in the world today. Russia has made a significant contribution to the introduction of this method. Research in the field of genetic engineering is recognized as one of the priority areas of Russian fundamental science.

Currently, according to the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences is preparing a forecast of scientific and technical development of genetic engineering activities until 2030, with proposals for adjusting state policy in this area. If the problem has gone to the state level, this indicates its importance and opens up wide opportunities for the development of this area in our country.

And the companies Servier and Treventis have announced the launch of a strategic scientific collaboration to search for potential therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases. Within the framework of the partnership, a large-scale program will be implemented to develop new drugs that affect two key proteins: tau and beta–amyloid (Aß), which are involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

This scientific strategy is aimed at finding therapeutic solutions that slow down the progression of brain pathology, thereby minimizing functional disorders due to the mechanism that changes the course of the disease.

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