15 January 2010

Once again to the question of senile dementia and blood pressure

Hypertension medication protects patients' nervous systemABC magazine based on the materials of the BBC: Blood pressure drug offers fresh hope for dementia
The probability of developing dementia in patients taking angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) (angiotensin receptor blockers, ARBs) is 50% lower than in those who use other drugs to combat hypertension, according to Boston doctors.

Even with the combined use of ARBS with other drugs, there is a slowdown in the progression of the disease.

Usually, ARBs is prescribed to patients who do not tolerate the more widely used ACE inhibitors. However, according to a study involving more than 800,000 people, ARBs seem to be even more effective than more traditional medicines.

98% of the subjects were men who were treated for hypertension between 2002 and 2006. The observation showed that those who took ARBs developed dementia 2 times less often. Even ARBs in combination with ACE inhibitors significantly reduced the risk of developing the disease. At the same time, the treatment of ARBs with ACE inhibitors in patients with an already diagnosed dementia reduced the likelihood of their premature death by 3 times or the need to be transferred to a medical rehabilitation center for the elderly.

It is not yet clear what caused such a valuable side effect of taking ARBS compared to other drugs. According to scientists, perhaps the drug protects nerve cells suffering from vascular damage, or accelerates their recovery after that.

According to the latest data, by 2050 more than 115 million people in the world will suffer from dementia. It is also known that hypertension for a long time leads to vascular damage, which increases not only the risk of cardiovascular diseases, but also increases the likelihood of developing dementia.

Some types of dementia are directly related to the condition of the arteries supplying blood to the brain. So blood pressure also plays a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease, although its main cause is the deposition of amyloid proteins in brain tissues.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru15.01.2010

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