26 August 2009

Retina made of leather

Retinal cells have been grown from the skin of an adultCopper news
A group of researchers from the American University of Wisconsin in Madison, led by David Gamm and Jason Meyer, reported the successful production of several types of light-sensing retinal cells from adult skin cells, ScienceDaily reports with reference to the Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences published on Monday.

The skin cells were treated, which turned them into pluripotent (stem) cells, from which various tissues can form – these are the cells of the human embryo five days after fertilization. Then the scientists managed to cause the degeneration of stem cells into retinal cells, which by origin belong to the nervous tissue.

As a result, cells were obtained that perform a visual function, that is, converting the light falling on them into electrical nerve impulses.

The development of the cells obtained during the experiment, according to the researchers, was very similar to the natural process of formation of retinal cells. Given the fact that the whole process takes place in a laboratory dish, and the original cells are extremely different from the embryonic ones, from which the retina develops in the embryo, such a similarity, the scientists note, is "quite striking."

This similarity should help researchers move from studying the development of the retina in mice, toads and flies to using human tissues in their work.

The achievement of American scientists will allow restoring lost vision in patients whose ophthalmological diseases are associated with retinal damage. In the near future, the use of technology for the study of eye diseases and preclinical trials of drugs that should act on the retina.

In particular, the researchers intend to grow retinal cells from the skin of people suffering from hereditary eye diseases. To repeat the embryonic development of the retina in these cases means to directly see the mechanisms of development of such diseases.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru26.08.2009

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