08 April 2008

Thanks to viruses for oxygen!

About 50% of the oxygen entering the atmosphere synthesizes phytoplankton. Algae floating in the water column also prevent global climate warming by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and using its constituent carbon to build their organisms, which, dying, sink to the bottom.

According to Professor Nicholas Mann from the University of Warwickshire (UK), the main role in ocean photosynthesis is played by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). These microorganisms, whose vital activity is extremely important for ensuring the habitability of our planet, are susceptible to infection with various types of viruses.

Using molecular biology techniques, scientists have identified the genetic codes of these viruses and established that some of them are sources of genetic material encoding the main components of the photosynthesis system.

It is also possible that viruses contribute to the transfer of useful genes necessary for the photosynthesis process between bacteria of different species. It turns out that viruses, considered primarily as pathogenic agents, are of great importance from a planetary point of view and, in fact, are necessary for our survival.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of ScienceDaily


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