21 February 2019

The FDA warns

The US authorities warned against attempts at rejuvenation with the help of blood plasma transfusion


The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned older Americans against trying to rejuvenate themselves with blood plasma transfusions from donors aged 16-25 years.

"The FDA is aware that in a number of states, private firms offer such a service as blood plasma transfusion from young donors, presumably in order to counteract age-related ailments. Among them are memory loss, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease <...> We are concerned about the use of plasma for such purposes. There is no evidence of the benefits of plasma transfusion from young donors for the treatment, prevention and prevention of age–related diseases," the agency stressed in a statement released on Tuesday.

"Unscrupulous companies make thousands of dollars on this," the FDA added. "Plasma transfusions may be accompanied by infectious, allergic, respiratory and cardiovascular risks," the agency said.

According to ABC, the desire to rejuvenate with plasma is gaining popularity in the United States. The price for one standard (about 250 ml) portion of plasma when providing such a service reaches $ 8 thousand. "It can be ordered on the websites of some medical companies through a personal account, and this does not require any examination of the patient," the TV channel noted.

Plasma is a liquid part of the blood in which its shaped elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets) are absent. In an adult, it is from half to 60% of the blood volume.

From the editorial office:
The insecurity of plasma transfusion has long been a well–known fact. Article "Indications for plasma transfusion, how it is obtained" on the website "My family doctor" ends like this:
"In order to avoid unjustified risks and undesirable effects, plasma transfusion should be carried out according to strict indications. If there are alternative treatments and this procedure can be dispensed with, then safer methods should be preferred." Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru


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