03 March 2017

The medicine is more bitter than the disease

Juno Therapeutics has stopped clinical trials of the drug JCAR015

Ilya Dugin, Pharmaceutical Bulletin

The American pharmaceutical company Juno Therapeutics has announced the termination of clinical trials of an experimental drug for the treatment of recurrent and refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia, FirstWord Pharma reports. The reason for the termination of the phase II study was the death of 5 patients due to brain edema due to severe neurotoxicity of the drug.

In July 2016, the FDA suspended the ROCKET clinical trial due to two deaths due to cerebral edema. However, the regulator soon allowed the study to continue.

In November 2016, Juno Therapeutics voluntarily suspended research after the death of two patients who also developed cerebral edema.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  03.03.2017

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