15 November 2010

To the zemstvo doctor – a social package .

A German village lures a doctor to its place with free foodABC Magazine based on Reuters materials:

Wanted: Village doctor. Benefits include sausagesResidents of the small village of Lette, in northwestern Germany, are urgently looking for a replacement for a general practitioner who left them in September 2010.

The population of Lette is 2,200 people, but there is not one of them with a medical education.

People left without medical supervision are ready to offer the future doctor all the benefits of a zemstvo doctor: he is offered free bread from a local bakery, meat from a store, flowers from a florist and hairdressing services. The owners of the local hotel are also ready to provide him with a room to stay for free until the doctor finds a permanent home.

In addition, in honor of the opening of a new practice, residents are ready to arrange a sausage festival, where the doctor will be the guest of honor. The news caused a lively response in the Russian blogosphere, many doctors (mostly jokingly) expressed their readiness to immediately leave for a hospitable German village.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru15.11.2010

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