Keep the balance": why it is important to maintain a sleep schedule during the holidays
Cardiologists, neurologists and endocrinologists are increasingly calling quality sleep one of the key conditions for good health
03.01.2024Cardiologists, neurologists and endocrinologists are increasingly calling quality sleep one of the key conditions for good health
03.01.2024PRC researchers discover mutation that causes premature ovarian failure
15.12.2023Analyses of the woman's condition revealed that she suffers from a rare condition in which intoxicating amounts of ethanol are produced in the gut by its own microorganisms
04.06.2024A randomised clinical trial showed that opioids have no particular advantage in the treatment of back and neck pain compared to placebo
22.05.2024Using temperature-sensitive fluorescent sensors, the scientists measured the temperature inside cells and found that the "sticking" of beta-amyloid molecules (one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease) causes neurons to heat up strongly
16.05.2024Currently, it is recommended that all people over the age of 45 without a family history of the disease undergo a colonoscopy every 10 years to screen for colorectal cancer
07.05.2024According to U.S. scientists, past lead exposure continues to affect the health and well-being of our contemporaries in ways we do not yet fully understand
07.05.2024The development is unique in everything from the machining and shape of the valve flaps to its frame and storage solution
27.04.2024By obtaining a number of chemical modifications of usninic acid, a specific component of lichens, Russian scientists were able to significantly slow down the growth of three different strains of coronavirus at once
27.04.2024A new human clinical trial has confirmed that taking a supplement with this bacterium can reduce fat in those prone to being overweight
23.04.2024Tiny extracellular vesicles from the blood plasma of the young can significantly prolong life and reverse age-related degenerative changes in the old
19.04.2024Its blocking prevented inflammation and mucus hyperproduction in mice
09.04.2024A large cohort study of more than 300,000 children in Denmark found that exclusive breastfeeding for at least three months of a child's life was associated with a reduced risk of developing oncohematologic diseases
01.04.2024As reported in JAMA Surgery, taking antibiotics in the postoperative period did not reduce the risk of surgical site infection and hospital re-visits
13.02.2024A new study by experts at Yorkshire Hospital NHS Trust in Yorkshire, England, suggests that certain driving habits could be a sign that you're not sleeping well because you suffer from sleep apnea
19.01.2024Men with normal and high concentrations of iodine in their urine had markedly lower blood testosterone levels than those with low concentrations of the trace element
27.12.2023Korean scientists have found that deep learning models can screen children for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and determine the severity of symptoms using only retinal photographs of their eyes
19.12.2023A team of doctors from the Netherlands decided to test whether the substances in the fizzy drink really do help make the lump of stuck food looser and easier to swallow
13.12.2023Swedish researchers concluded that taking anti-diabetic drugs during pregnancy did not increase the risk of congenital anomalies
12.12.2023Doctors constantly say that the overabundance of bread in the diet is not the best for health, but completely abandon this product is not recommended
27.11.2023You can write to the editor at:
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