12 July 2011

Who is the last one behind RUSNANO shares?

Chubais privatizes his own work<url>
The government approved the privatization of 10 percent of Rusnano in 2013.

The Vedomosti newspaper writes that its CEO Anatoly Chubais and the Ministry of Economic Development proposed to sell a share in the former state corporation. By the time of sale, this package may be worth at least $ 1 billion.

Chubais' proposal was discussed at a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov and was generally supported. The placement of Rusnano will become part of the privatization program in 2012-2016.

Chubais considers the sale of a small stake in Rusnano as the first stage on the way to the privatization of a package of 30-40 percent.

Rusnano has not yet shown revenue and has invested mainly budget funds. In addition, Rusnano is a development institution for which profit is not the most important thing, so it is extremely difficult to accurately assess Rusnano now.

Rusnano is a state corporation that was created for the development of nanotechnology in Russia. Anatoly Chubais joined Rusnano from RAO UES of Russia after the completion of the reform of the Russian electric power industry. In 2010, Rusnano changed its legal form, turning from a state corporation into a joint stock company. This, in particular, will allow you to sell part of the company to investors.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2009 the volume of the Russian market of nanoproducts amounted to 81 billion rubles. By 2015, the volume of the Russian market of nanoproducts should grow 11 times – up to 900 billion rubles.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru12.07.2011

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