23 November 2015

Why does Russian science stand still?

From 2007 to 2013, global spending on research and development increased by 31% and reached $1.478 billion in 2013. 28 percent of this amount is accounted for by the United States. Washington is followed by China, which has overtaken the European Union and Japan. 

In 2013, Russia spent $24.8 billion on research and development projects - 1.7% of global spending. 

This is data from a new UNESCO report on the state of science. It also says that Russia has not yet managed to use scientific innovations for economic growth. Russian scientists are slowly mastering new advanced fields, such as biotechnology, computer and nanotechnology.

The director of the Center for Scientific, Innovation and Information Policy of the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge Tatyana Evgenievna Kuznetsova told Elena Vapnichnaya about this.

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